Wow - it’s been a while since my last post. As you might expect, I’ve mostly been teaching, analyzing data, and writing. Some notable events in the past year actually include (1) publishing a paper about non-kin adoption in vampire bats (full text), and (2) passing my candidacy exam! Hopefully I can get myself to give more frequent updates moving forward…

I wanted to let you all know that I’ve added a new page for assorted media on my website. This is where I plan to upload photos, videos, and scientific illustrations of mine. In fact, I’ve already posted the recordings for two presentations that I made this year. The first gives an in-depth summary of the non-kin adoption paper, while the second covers a more recent analysis looking at the effect of forced proximity on the choice of cooperation partners in vampire bats. If you get the chance to watch either of them (or any others in the future), please let me know you what you think!